With Weathers-different aspect & perspectives: In one of our articles with titled “Communication in Perspective of Relatedness and Connectedness”, we said that we relate and connect with nature on different levels. Nature communicates with us and we interpret and communicate its messages. This process is interesting and thought-provoking, generating many feelings and emotions about nature.
We explore different perspectives and interpretations of weather and its impacts in different ways. Here is a poem on the weather. A multifaceted conversation between two highly nature-connected persons.

With Weathers
Weather becoming warm, gradually
Still favorable for a walk and talk!
Your view of weather
Is from your own perspective
This is interesting,
The same things viewed by many
In many ways,
Is also interesting!
It’s about nature
With different impacts,
Meanings, and views
All are acceptable
With all Views and Reasons!!
Weather teaches us
To live in the Moment,
Every weather has its good things
It is the feeling mainly!
Weather does not care
What view do we carry
We adopt less,
We wish to change more
We relate to the weather
The weather is what it is!
Be like weathers
Warm, cold, spring-full
And autumnal
It is the relationship with the weather
And living with the Moments
Despite changing weather,
It is still good for a walk
In the changed weather
But not for changing our relationships!
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