

A melancholic scene depicting an introverted 40s woman The person is sitting alone on a park bench

Poetry: Echoes in the Silence: A Love That Endures

In the shadows where emotions dance,

 I feel a silent, heavy trance.

Your words, they echo, far and near,

Yet in their absence, I feel the fear.

You sense my heart, its silent cries,

In the stillness of the night skies.

A bond so deep, it crosses time,

Yet now we walk a steep, hard climb.

Through the whispers of our dreams,

And the reality that it seems,

I find my strength in love’s embrace,

Seeking solace, finding grace.

Your tests are shadows in the night,

A struggle hidden from my sight.

Yet here I stand, with prayers anew,

For strength, for hope, for skies of blue.

May our hearts find peace again,

Through trials, loss, and all the pain.

With faith as our guiding light,

We’ll navigate this endless night.

For in the silence, love endures,

In whispers, echoes, it assures.

Though paths may part, and storms may brew,

My heart, dear love, remains with you.

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