

Books placed between branches of blossoming tree

Heartbreak Poetry: In the Silence of Uncertainty, Read Here

In the corridors of time and love, we’ve stood,

A dance of hearts, through shadows and light.

Promises whispered beneath the moon’s glow,

Now questioned in the stillness of the night.

Your words, a soothing balm, once brought peace,

Now a distant echo, a memory of grace.

In the silence of your absence, I seek,

To find the strength to fill this empty space.

You spoke of love eternal, a bond unbroken,

Yet now, in solitude, I am left to ponder.

Is this disconnection a trial of the soul,

 Or the unraveling of a dream we shared, I wonder.

Your spiritual journey, a labyrinth of faith,

Leaves me in a maze of doubt and despair.

Yet, through the storm, I hold on tight,

To the hope that your love is still there.

For fifteen years, you chased my heart,

And finally, I surrendered, deeply connected.

Now, with a single message, you withdraw,

Leaving my trust shattered, and my soul affected.

In the garden of whispered dreams, we walked,

Now, I wander alone, searching for peace.

Prayers for strength, patience, and guidance,

That our love may find a way to release.

I care for you deeply, your pain is mine,

Yet I stand here, lost, in a sea of what could be.

Hoping the winds of time will be kind,

And bring you back to me, where love flows free.

May the dawn bring clarity, may our hearts align,

In the estate of emotions, we find our way.

For love that’s true endures, through trials and time,

 And in your absence, my love will stay.

Come, my distant love, let us find strength anew,

To face each dawn with courage, hearts entwined.

In the silence of uncertainty, I wait for you,

Hoping the guiding light of love will shine.

Heartbreak Poetry

Promises whispered beneath the moon’s glow

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