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  • From Trust to Dust-Rising from the Ashes, Read Here
A woman with a book

From Trust to Dust-Rising from the Ashes, Read Here

Lofty words and empty vows,
A heart once full, now but a hollowed space,
Blind trust shattered, like fallen autumn leaves,
A soul left bare, with scars that won’t be erased.

He spoke of love, with silver-tongued ease,
And she, with heart aflame, in innocence believed,
Shared deepest secrets, and her very being,
Entrusting all, with love’s unguarded pleading.

But when she needed him, he vanished like smoke,
Leaving her lost, with heart and soul forlorn,
No gentle breeze to soothe her pain,
Only the echoes of his empty, heartless refrain.

In this wilderness, she wanders alone,
With shadows of shame, and guilt’s heavy stone,
The weight of trust now turned to bitter dust,
A heart once full, now but a haunting rust.

Yet still, she rises, like morning’s golden light,
And though the journey’s long, and dark of night,
She’ll find her path, and learn to love anew,
And though scarred, her heart will heal, and renew.

To all young girls, beware of blind trust,
Even if pursued for decades, with words so just.
Complexity lurks, and dreams can shatter,
Leaving you alone, with lost desires and shattered matter.

Never believe the words, ‘You’re my destiny’,
Or ‘I care for you more than my own identity’.
No matter how mature, sensible, or intellectual the guise,
Guard your heart, and don’t trust with closed eyes.

For in the midst of journey, you may find yourself alone,
With lost dreams and desires, and a heart turned to stone.
Stay vigilant, and don’t surrender your might,
For true strength lies in wisdom, and a bright heart.

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