Self Meetup: Amidst the gentle dawn, this poem explores the rich generation of soaked feelings—a journey within, a flight through emotions, and a dance under the open sky. Evoking a tranquil transformation, it invites readers to embrace the essence of self and ascend through the running currents of personal direction. Join this poetic odyssey where emotions intertwine, shaping a narrative that resonates with the quiet wonders of morning and the soaked feelings that accompany us on our ascendant journey.

A Morning and the soaked feelings
A sense of dampness evokes gentle grace
Manifesting a tranquil transformation
Deep inside, within the self-foundation!
Evolving Quietness appearing
Silent evolution, the wonders invoking
The Open Sky invites, extending a vast expanse
Let’s take a flight, from under to over the sky!
Feel your feelings, let your heart fly so high
Spread the wings, furred with the essence of you
Soaked feelings accompanying and conveying you
In this grand journey, our spirits intertwine!
Let’s have a flight to any dimension
Within the flow of your directions
Under the running state of self-retention
Where soaked feelings, shape your life’s ascension!
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