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The Nabis Art Movement: Symbolism and Decorative Art,”Read here”

Introduction to the Nabis Art Movement

This magnificent art movement is a sub-category of the art movement of post-impressionism. This art movement includes a group of French artists who were active in the 1890s and concentrated on the decorative element in their paintings, experimenting with patterns or ornaments. The Artist Paul Serusier was the founder of this art movement the name was derived from the Hebrew word Prophet this might have indicated how these artists considered themselves as the prophet of modern art. The Nabis started to think of themselves as the composer of subjective art. Their paintings are considered to be a harmonious group of lines and colors.

Influence of Paul Gauguin’s Synthetism on the Nabis

The Nabis started to lose interest in the artwork of Paul Gauguin. Which included themes like literary theory and symbolism, especially the idea that can color and shape could represent experience in an artwork. The art movement Nabis can be called symbolist in unquestionable aspects of art. The artists that are truly key artists of symbolism are Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon, and James Ensor. In this movement, artists were interested in discovering beauty beyond nature. They grasp themes like mystical and mysterious even if the theme was ordinary man’s life or daily life.   

Key Themes and Characteristics of the Nabis Art Movement

Some of the basic characteristics of this art movement are the artists of this art movement were gravely influenced by Gauguin’s synthetism (A method of painting used by 1880s artists it is an art method that emphasizes two-dimensional flat patterns) the Nabis believed that art should show the synthesis of the subject matter and the artist’s feelings and emotions towards the subject. They used symbols to convey their feelings, thoughts, and emotions in their art pieces. They adapted flat colors and bold vibrant instead of detailed shadings method. They started to reject linear perspective and depth of illusion, freed forms in their artwork.

The major artists of this art movement are Serusier, Maurice Denis, Pierre Bonnard, and Edouard Vuillard. These artists had a mystical attitude toward the relationship between the artist and their paintings. The Nabis art movement had symbolic and personal meaning. Some of these renowned artists’ famous artworks are The Talisman by Paul Serusier, Landscape with Green Trees or Beech Trees in Kerduel by Maurice Denis, The Dining Room in the Country by Pierre Bonnard, and Interior, Mother, and Sister of the Artist by Edouard Bonnard. These artists used thick lines and flat planes of color to create symbolic and spiritual artwork.

The Talisman by Paul Serusier is one of the most important paintings in modern art which is painted on the lid of a cigar box. This painting was influenced by the synthetism of Gauguin’s expressive colors. He utilized pure colors to enhance the subject of this painting. Flat colors are used in the board of areas. Landscape with Green Trees or Beech Trees in Kerduel In this painting young girls are shown picking flowers by the sea the artist shows a dreamlike fantasy in this artwork.     


  • The artist focuses on decorative and ornamental elements during this art movement.
  • The artist of this art movement considered themselves as the creator of the subjective art.
  •  They were influenced by Gauguin’s Synthetism, for them it was important the representation of the subject through synthetism.
  • They used thick lines, and flat colors and rejected the linear perception illusion of depth.

Laiba Imran

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