


Our Resonates Throughout this planet!

How do I write anew when my tale is old,

Lost in thought, forgetting in folds,

And then, forgetting again,

As I descended the stairs of the sky,

Stirring the stars,

Tugging the moon closer to Earth’s embrace,

My attire, enfolding me,

Was shining with moonlight,

The sun stood behind me, smiling,

As I paused westward, eastward, north, south,

I was beginning to walk on the sea,

Wave upon wave…

Then a wave paused in my hand,

Today, I recognize that hand,

Which, like a mirror of my own hand’s image,

Had become a reflection in my hand,

Life! We had said to each other

Faceless, formless existence,

Walking with grace,

Unfolding into new forms,

Emerging from the indigo sea

To spread on the green carpet of the earth,

You had said…

I became a flower,

Your praises adorned my petals,

And we whispered into Adam’s ear,

Becoming the essence of Earth,

This and something more

That I forget,

Are the marks on my DNA,

Of my memories,

Just look and tell,

What element

I’ve been mixed in,

Discover the light

That radiates from within me,

Find out,

This light that blazes within you too,

Know that,

It’s the fire burning from within,

It’s the return of those starry souls

That resonates

Throughout this planet!

Azra Mughal

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